Social Emotional Learning (SEL) & Why It Matters for Students

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Social Emotional Learning (SEL) & Why It Matters for Students

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) & Why It Matters for Students

Posted on 13 April by Admin | cooking 3 min read

Today's schools are increasingly multicultural and multilingual with students from diverse social and economic backgrounds. Educators serve students with different motivations for engaging in learning, behaving positively and performing academically. Social and emotional learning (SEL) provides a foundation for safe and positive learning, and enhances students' ability to succeed in school, careers, and life.

In an ever-diversifying world, the classroom is the place where students are often first exposed to people who hail from a range of different backgrounds, hold differing beliefs, and have unique capabilities. Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) aims to help students - especially at a tender young age— better understand their thoughts and emotions, to become more self-aware, and to develop more empathy for others within their community and the world around them.

The 5 core areas that Social Emotional Learning and Development touches upon are:

  • Self-Awareness: Recognizing feelings as they occur; having a realistic assessment of one’s It is about being conscious of our strengths and especially gaps.
  • Social Awareness: Sensing what others are feeling; being able to take their perspective; appreciating and interacting positively with diverse groups. In essence, tolerance. Tolerance entails respect if not necessarily acceptance.
  • Self-Management: Handling emotions so they facilitate rather than interfere with the task at hand; persevering in the face of setbacks.
  • Relationship Skills: Handling emotions in relationships effectively; maintaining healthy and rewarding relationships based on cooperation; negotiating solutions to conflict.
  • Responsible Decision Making: Accurately assessing risks; making decisions based on a consideration of all relevant factors and the likely consequences of alternative courses of actions; respecting others; taking personal responsibility.

How is SEL delivered by educators at the finest schools?

  • An explanation of a particular SEL concept by the teacher - often using pictures, video, audio, or written text
  • Students will then gain a deeper understanding of the concept through skill practice, discussion with a peer group or partner, or through individual writing tasks
  • The teacher will revisit and reinforce this concept throughout the week
  • The teacher may decide to support the teaching by sending work home for students to work with alongside their parents or careers
  • The teacher will check for understanding moving forward, re-teaching specific points where required

What are the benefits of SEL?

SEL is helpful to children, increasing self-awareness, academic achievement, and positive behaviors both in and out of the classroom.

Studies have categorically proved that students who participated in SEL programs saw an increase in their overall grades and better attendance. On a more individual level, the skills learned within an SEL program have been shown to help students better cope with emotional stress, solve problems, and avoid peer pressure to engage in harmful activities.

Visit Yello

We are living in challenging times and as parents, sending your child to a safe preschool is a major responsibility. What you need is a safe haven with a strict safety protocol that nurtures a healthy environment for your kids’ mental health. Yello gives you exactly all those things and more! With preschool, daycare, kindergarten and creche facilities, it is the perfect place for your children. We’ve also introduced an activity club and writing club to encourage kids to explore different skills. At the Yello Activity club, we lay great emphasis on the concept and benefits of sharing. Our programs for babies include a variety of activities that help nurture a positive attitude. So prioritize your children’s learning and safety to enrol them in the perfect & safest preschool in Bangalore, at Yello!

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