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Posted on Apr by Admin
Are your children heading to preschool soon? Are you feeling overwhelmed with the process of sifting through numerous preschools? Always remember while choosing a preschool, it is critical to understand that childhood learning is based on building trust with the teachers.
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Every parent loves seeing their child being healthy and happy. The happiness of the child depends on two factors – physical health and mental health.
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Kids are naturally hooked to play outside as it allows them to explore their surrounding environment, increase their muscle strength and coordination and also boost their self-confidence.
Read MorePosted on Dec by Admin
A child’s brain resembles a hill of mud and teachers are the craftsman who give shape and clarity to the clay. Youthful personalities need the correct blend of care, freedom, strengthening and challenge so they can flourish in their lives. To guarantee this is the thing that they get, the teacher's job is of foremost importance.
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For some guardians, corporate child care has turned into a need, causing feelings of worry and stress for leaving their children in the hands of either a home daycare or corporate daycare center. However, reports have appeared youthful children can pick up the advantages from being enrolled with corporate childcare centers at an early age.
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Although technology has done a lot to make our life easier and efficient, yet as a parent, it has become more of a concern about the impact that these smartphone devices can have on your children. In this technologically advanced world, it has become a commonplace for kids to have their own smartphones, but the real question that lingers on every parent’s mind is the negative impact a smartphone can have on their child’s growth.
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Understanding your child is of utmost importance to all the parents. Every child is just like soft clay waiting to be moulded not just physically but also thought wise and personality wise.
Read MorePosted on March 2020 by Admin
You would have probably come across the term "emotional intelligence" many times but what exactly is emotional intelligence? Why is it important to develop emotional intelligence in children?
Read MorePosted on March 2020 by Admin
Music and movement play an important role in our culture. We find music present in many aspects of our lives including theater, television, movies, worship, holidays, celebrations, and ceremonies.
Read MorePosted on April 2020 by Admin
We all grew up listening to bedtime stories narrated to us by our grandparents and parents. Those were the good olden days when all kids would lie beside their grandparents, as they would take us on fantasy journeys with their tales and stories like Akbar and Birbal, Panchatantra, Vikram and Betal to name a few.
Read MorePosted on April 2020 by Admin
Sharing is one of the fundamental skills of life and your child must master it to develop kindness, appreciation, and respect. Sharing is a valuable life lesson that teaches your child how to be empathetic.
Read MorePosted on April 2020 by Admin
Summer camps have everything rolled into one that offers an opportunity for children to play and have fun while exploring and learning valuable skills.
Read MorePosted on June 2020 by Admin
A good memory is important both in school of academics and in the school of life. It is an important life skill that needs to be imparted to every child. Being one of the best playschools in Bangalore, we always strive to impart active memory improving techniques to our children.
Read MorePosted on June 2020 by Admin
In a world that is dominated by going digital, encouraging children to involve in a real-world environment can get tricky. Parenting preschool in this era means that you should always strive to keep your children off gadgets or their favourite PlayStations.
Read MorePosted on June 2020 by Admin
It is vacation time for children and whether we like it or not, the onus of making this vacation time a fun one is totally on parents. If you're worried about how to keep your kids entertained during these times, we're here to help you.
Read MorePosted on June 2020 by Admin
Are you worried about your child's nail biting habit? If yes, you're not alone. More than 50% of children aged between 4 to 16 have the habit of biting their nails. It is a common nervous habit found in many children and doesn't generally require medical attention unless it's very serious.
Read MorePosted on Feb by Admin
While the world gradually limps back to normalcy, parents in Bangalore and all over India must be wondering whether it’s still safe to send their children back to school. On one hand, education is important for your kids, especially in their formative years at preschool. On the other hand, safety is a major concern. So how do we adapt to the new normal and face the challenges ahead?
Read MorePosted on Apr by Admin
Children, by instinct, are always curious to know more about the world around them. They’re eager to explore different smells, sounds, sights, tastes and textures to understand the full extent of their senses. What is the best way to help them in their journey of self-discovery? Taking learning outdoors of course!
Read MorePosted on Apr by Admin
If you grew up reading Boxcar Children, Harry Potter and a number of Enid Blyton’s books, you’ll obviously want to share that experience with your children. But encouraging children to read can be quite challenging. Some kids just don’t like reading because they find it boring, difficult or maybe they feel like reading is a chore.
Read MorePosted on June by Admin
Favoritism. Prejudice. Discrimination. Preference. Child favoritism is a sensitive topic that often gets glossed over because we refuse to accept its existence.Left unchecked, it could lead to huge ego issues or under confidence in your budding child...
Read MorePosted on march by Admin
On average, kids today spend anywhere between five to seven hours a day staring at electronic devices like phones, laptops, tablets and TVs.
Read MorePosted on march by Admin
It can be difficult for both parents and toddlers to make the transition into day-care or preschool. Child care for preschoolers entails a shift in routine, a step into the unknown, and time spent away from parents or other primary carers.
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